In order to be successful, you must incorporate the four most important rules to your life.
- Lie ~ You have to lie to those that underestimate you. Keep them thinking that you are harmless and that you pose no threat. Like it or not, competition is apart of life. You can always be a few steps ahead and have your opponents believing that they have no competition with you if you stay under the radar. #playpossum
- Cheat ~ You have to cheat your fears and those who doubt you. Don't allow your fears of the unknown to consume you and don't allow negative people determine your fate. Sorry to say this, but you will more than likely ALWAYS have something to fear and ALWAYS have haters that will root against you in hopes that you fail. Those things are called obstacles and you can't allow them to hold you back. #befearless
- Steal ~ You have to steal every moment and live life to the fullest. It's important that when faced with an open window of opportunity, JUMP THROUGH IT before that window closes forever. Reach out, as much as possible, to family and friends because you never know what you have until it's gone. #noregrets
- Gamble ~ You have to gamble in the casino called LIFE. Don't always be afraid to take risks. Some of the most admirable and successful people did it, fearful and all, and so can you! You can't expect people to believe in you if you don't first believe in yourself. #havefaith
Remember you have to learn from your past, live in the present, and make your dreams about your future a reality. #thinksuccess